Hunters are not generally not allowed to teamkill, and team killing always results in losing a point.

How the rabbit is chosen depends on server settings, but it can either be random, by score, or by killer. Players join as hunters, a special team that exists only in Rabbit Hunt. Once a player kills the rabbit, they themselves become a rabbit, and now try to kill the hunters without themselves being killed. The main objective of a Rabbit Hunt is to kill the white tank, or the rabbit. Flag-running, or capturing your own flag by bringing it to another team's base, is also generally frowned upon. Team Killing is generally not allowed, and always results in losing a point. Players usually spawn on their bases upon joining, and after their flag is captured. Often, CTF is played between 2 or 4 teams, although the occasional 3 team CTF does arise. The teams available to play on depend on server settings. Players can join any of the four teams, or play as a rogue. The main objective of a Capture the Flag game is to steal an opposing team's flag and bring it back to your base, while protecting your own flag at the same time. However, unlike TFFA, in OFFA it is truly a free-for-all: there are no teams. In this version of FFA, players can join as one of the four team colors, or as a rogue. A team scoreboard shows up showing the collective score of all the teams. Rogues are by themselves, and have no teammates. Players on the same color team can work together, Team Killing is generally not allowed, and always results in losing a point. In this version of FFA, players can join one of the four teams, or play as a rogue.
Free For All is often abbreviated to FFA.

The object of a Free For All is to gain the most points for yourself.